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Days of Vienna in Sofia 22.02.2017

Clancy & Stage Ltd., participates in the Vienna Days in Sofia, organized by Oirocom PR Sofia - International Relations Office of the Municipality of Vienna.EuroCommPR_Logo_Sofia_RGB_mit_Claim

It was a great pleasure for us to work with the representative office of OiroCom PR in Sofia - wonderful professionals, a positive team, overcoming challenges with a sense of humor! 

Moments from the forum "Cities of the Future: Sofia and Vienna" 13 - 14.02.2017, where our team had the task of supporting the discussion and the sharing of experience between the experts of the two municipalities, in nine discussion topics: Innovations in the field of mobility; Traffic control center; Restriction of movement in the city; Management of museums; Management of the historical center; Preservation of historic city center; Applications/Virtual offers in the museum; Ecology: green systems; Citizens and Green Systems;

The media for the forum 

For Vienna Days in Sofia 2017 from the organizers themselves

We thank OiroCom PR Sofia for the trust and the opportunity to be part of this forum!

For more information

"Success in business - meeting of experience, innovation and knowledge of generations" 2017